Yosys is a framework for Verilog RTL synthesis. It currently has extensive Verilog-2005 support and provides a basic set of synthesis algorithms for various application domains. Selected features and typical applications:
- Process almost any synthesizable Verilog-2005 design
- Converting Verilog to BLIF / EDIF/ BTOR / SMT-LIB / simple RTL Verilog / etc.
- Built-in formal methods for checking properties and equivalence
- Mapping to ASIC standard cell libraries (in Liberty File Format)
- Mapping to Xilinx 7-Series and Lattice iCE40 FPGAs
- Foundation and/or front-end for custom flows
Yosys is free software licensed under the ISC license (a GPL compatible license that is similar in terms to the MIT license or the 2-clause BSD license).
Example Usage
Yosys is controlled using synthesis scripts. For example, the following Yosys synthesis script reads a design (with the top module mytop) from the verilog file mydesign.v, synthesizes it to a gate-level netlist using the cell library in the Liberty file mycells.lib and writes the synthesized results as Verilog netlist to synth.v:# read design read_verilog mydesign.v # elaborate design hierarchy hierarchy -check -top mytop # the high-level stuff proc; opt; fsm; opt; memory; opt # mapping to internal cell library techmap; opt # mapping flip-flops to mycells.lib dfflibmap -liberty mycells.lib # mapping logic to mycells.lib abc -liberty mycells.lib # cleanup clean # write synthesized design write_verilog synth.vThe synth command provides a good default script that can be used as basis for simple synthesis scripts:
# read design read_verilog mydesign.v # generic synthesis synth -top mytop # mapping to mycells.lib dfflibmap -liberty mycells.lib abc -liberty mycells.lib clean # write synthesized design write_verilog synth.vSee help synth for details on the synth command.
All other links below-this-line are to other projects.
Online Services
- EDA Playground -- Web Interface to many EDA tools, including Yosys
- Blinklight -- A visual FPGA dev tool for simple designs
Free Verilog Simulators
Free Software for High-Level Circuit Synthesis and/or Analysis
- Chisel -- Constructing Hardware in a Scala Embedded Language
- PandA -- high-level synthesis of C based descriptions
- CLaSH -- A compiler from Haskell to Verilog/VHDL
- MyHDL -- an open source Python package that lets you go from Python to silicon
- Migen -- a Python-based tool that aims at automating further the VLSI design process
- Cx -- A modern C-like language to create digital hardware
Free Software for Low-Level Circuit Synthesis and/or Analysis
- ABC -- extensive tools for synthesis and verification of binary sequential logic
- AIGER -- a format, library and set of utilities for And-Inverter Graphs
- MiniSAT -- the SAT solver library used in Yosys
- Torc -- infrastructure and tool set for mapping, placing, and routing
- RapidSmith -- a research-based, open source FPGA CAD tool for modern Xilinx FPGAs
- Open Circuit Design -- collection of open-source EDA tools, including Qflow
- Coriolis2 -- an ASIC place and route flow
- Workcraft -- a framework for interpreted graph models
- netlistsvg -- SVG schematic from a Yosys JSON netlist
Verilog Tutorials
This page has links to all the documentation resources available for Yosys.Yosys Manual
A quick first-steps tutorial can be found in the README file.The Yosys manual can be downloaded here (PDF).
The best places to ask questions are the Yosys Subreddit, Stack Overflow and #yosys on freenode. The best place to report a bug is on GitHub.Presentation Slides
This presentation slides cover a wide range of topics related to Yosys. (The LaTeX source is part of the Yosys source distribution. Fell free to adapt the slides as needed.)Application Notes
- Yosys AppNote 010: Converting Verilog to BLIF
- Yosys AppNote 011: Interactive Design Investigation
- Yosys AppNote 012: Converting Verilog to BTOR
Papers and other Publications
This section is under construction.- Clifford Wolf, Johann Glaser. Yosys - A Free Verilog Synthesis Suite. In Proceedings of Austrochip 2013. [download pdf]
- Johann Glaser and Clifford Wolf. Methodology and Example-Driven Interconnect Synthesis for Designing Heterogeneous Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Architectures. In Jan Haase, editor, Models, Methods, and Tools for Complex Chip Design. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Volume 265, 2014, pp 201-221. Springer, 2013. [download pdf]
@MISC{Yosys, author = {Clifford Wolf}, title = {Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite}, howpublished = "\url{}" }
Command Reference
- abc use ABC for technology mapping
- add add objects to the design
- aigmap map logic to and-inverter-graph circuit
- alumacc extract ALU and MACC cells
- assertpmux convert internal signals to module ports
- async2sync convert async FF inputs to sync circuits
- attrmap renaming attributes
- attrmvcp move or copy attributes from wires to driving cells
- blackbox change type of cells in the design
- cd a shortcut for 'select -module <name>'
- check check for obvious problems in the design
- chformal change formal constraints of the design
- chparam re-evaluate modules with new parameters
- chtype change type of cells in the design
- clean remove unused cells and wires
- clk2fflogic convert clocked FFs to generic $ff cells
- connect create or remove connections
- connwrappers match width of input-output port pairs
- coolrunner2_sop break $sop cells into ANDTERM/ORTERM cells
- copy copy modules in the design
- cover print code coverage counters
- delete delete objects in the design
- deminout demote inout ports to input or output
- design save, restore and reset current design
- dff2dffe transform $dff cells to $dffe cells
- dff2dffs process sync set/reset with SR over CE priority
- dffinit set INIT param on FF cells
- dfflibmap technology mapping of flip-flops
- dffsr2dff convert DFFSR cells to simpler FF cell types
- dump print parts of the design in ilang format
- echo turning echoing back of commands on and off
- edgetypes list all types of edges in selection
- equiv_add add a $equiv cell
- equiv_induct proving $equiv cells using temporal induction
- equiv_make prepare a circuit for equivalence checking
- equiv_mark mark equivalence checking regions
- equiv_miter extract miter from equiv circuit
- equiv_purge purge equivalence checking module
- equiv_remove remove $equiv cells
- equiv_simple try proving simple $equiv instances
- equiv_status print status of equivalent checking module
- equiv_struct structural equivalence checking
- eval evaluate the circuit given an input
- expose convert internal signals to module ports
- extract find subcircuits and replace them with cells
- extract_counter Extract GreenPak4 counter cells
- extract_fa find and extract full/half adders
- extract_reduce converts gate chains into $reduce_* cells
- flatten flatten design
- freduce perform functional reduction
- fsm extract and optimize finite state machines
- fsm_detect finding FSMs in design
- fsm_expand expand FSM cells by merging logic into it
- fsm_export exporting FSMs to KISS2 files
- fsm_extract extracting FSMs in design
- fsm_info print information on finite state machines
- fsm_map mapping FSMs to basic logic
- fsm_opt optimize finite state machines
- fsm_recode recoding finite state machines
- greenpak4_dffinv merge greenpak4 inverters and DFF/latches
- help display help messages
- hierarchy check, expand and clean up design hierarchy
- hilomap technology mapping of constant hi- and/or lo-drivers
- history show last interactive commands
- ice40_ffinit iCE40: handle FF init values
- ice40_ffssr iCE40: merge synchronous set/reset into FF cells
- ice40_opt iCE40: perform simple optimizations
- insbuf insert buffer cells for connected wires
- iopadmap technology mapping of i/o pads (or buffers)
- json write design in JSON format
- log print text and log files
- ls list modules or objects in modules
- ltp print longest topological path
- lut2mux convert $lut to $_MUX_
- maccmap mapping macc cells
- memory translate memories to basic cells
- memory_bram map memories to block rams
- memory_collect creating multi-port memory cells
- memory_dff merge input/output DFFs into memories
- memory_map translate multiport memories to basic cells
- memory_memx emulate vlog sim behavior for mem ports
- memory_nordff extract read port FFs from memories
- memory_share consolidate memory ports
- memory_unpack unpack multi-port memory cells
- miter automatically create a miter circuit
- muxcover cover trees of MUX cells with wider MUXes
- nlutmap map to LUTs of different sizes
- opt perform simple optimizations
- opt_clean remove unused cells and wires
- opt_demorgan Optimize reductions with DeMorgan equivalents
- opt_expr perform const folding and simple expression rewriting
- opt_merge consolidate identical cells
- opt_muxtree eliminate dead trees in multiplexer trees
- opt_reduce simplify large MUXes and AND/OR gates
- opt_rmdff remove DFFs with constant inputs
- plugin load and list loaded plugins
- pmuxtree transform $pmux cells to trees of $mux cells
- prep generic synthesis script
- proc translate processes to netlists
- proc_arst detect asynchronous resets
- proc_clean remove empty parts of processes
- proc_dff extract flip-flops from processes
- proc_dlatch extract latches from processes
- proc_init convert initial block to init attributes
- proc_mux convert decision trees to multiplexers
- proc_rmdead eliminate dead trees in decision trees
- qwp quadratic wirelength placer
- read load HDL designs
- read_blif read BLIF file
- read_ilang read modules from ilang file
- read_json read JSON file
- read_liberty read cells from liberty file
- read_verilog read modules from Verilog file
- rename rename object in the design
- rmports remove module ports with no connections
- sat solve a SAT problem in the circuit
- scatter add additional intermediate nets
- scc detect strongly connected components (logic loops)
- script execute commands from script file
- select modify and view the list of selected objects
- setattr set/unset attributes on objects
- setparam set/unset parameters on objects
- setundef replace undef values with defined constants
- share perform sat-based resource sharing
- shell enter interactive command mode
- show generate schematics using graphviz
- shregmap map shift registers
- sim simulate the circuit
- simplemap mapping simple coarse-grain cells
- splice create explicit splicing cells
- splitnets split up multi-bit nets
- stat print some statistics
- submod moving part of a module to a new submodule
- synth generic synthesis script
- synth_achronix synthesis for Acrhonix Speedster22i FPGAs.
- synth_coolrunner2 synthesis for Xilinx Coolrunner-II CPLDs
- synth_easic synthesis for eASIC platform
- synth_ecp5 synthesis for ECP5 FPGAs
- synth_gowin synthesis for Gowin FPGAs
- synth_greenpak4 synthesis for GreenPAK4 FPGAs
- synth_ice40 synthesis for iCE40 FPGAs
- synth_intel synthesis for Intel (Altera) FPGAs.
- synth_xilinx synthesis for Xilinx FPGAs
- tcl execute a TCL script file
- techmap generic technology mapper
- tee redirect command output to file
- test_abcloop automatically test handling of loops in abc command
- test_autotb generate simple test benches
- test_cell automatically test the implementation of a cell type
- torder print cells in topological order
- trace redirect command output to file
- tribuf infer tri-state buffers
- uniquify create unique copies of modules
- verific load Verilog and VHDL designs using Verific
- verilog_defaults set default options for read_verilog
- verilog_defines define and undefine verilog defines
- wreduce reduce the word size of operations if possible
- write_aiger write design to AIGER file
- write_blif write design to BLIF file
- write_btor write design to BTOR file
- write_edif write design to EDIF netlist file
- write_file write a text to a file
- write_firrtl write design to a FIRRTL file
- write_ilang write design to ilang file
- write_intersynth write design to InterSynth netlist file
- write_json write design to a JSON file
- write_simplec convert design to simple C code
- write_smt2 write design to SMT-LIBv2 file
- write_smv write design to SMV file
- write_spice write design to SPICE netlist file
- write_table write design as connectivity table
- write_verilog write design to Verilog file
- zinit add inverters so all FF are zero-initialized
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nextpnr portable FPGA place and route tool - 6 Updated yesterday
Yosys Open SYnthesis Suite - 17 Updated yesterday
Benchmarks for Yosys development - 0 Updated 2 days ago
- 0 Updated 11 days ago
Collection of test cases for Yosys - 2 Updated 11 days ago
ChipDB builder for NextPnR project - 0 Updated 16 days ago
SymbiYosys (sby) -- Front-end for Yosys-based formal verification flows - 3 Updated 18 days ago
GUI for SymbiYosys - 0 Updated 26 days ago
Mutation Cover with Yosys (MCY) - 0 Updated 26 days ago
- 0 Updated on May 3
Yosys Web Page - 0 Updated on Apr 16
Benchmarks for nextpnr - 1 Updated on Mar 26
A Verilog Synthesis Regression Test - 0 Updated on Jan 15
Yosys syntax highlighter for the Sublime Text 3 editor - 0 Updated on Dec 22, 2018
Place and route tool for FPGAs - 1 Updated on Oct 29, 2018
Yosys Plugins - 0 Updated on Oct 6, 2018
A collection of big designs to run post-synthesis simulations with yosys - 0 Updated on Oct 27, 2015
Various larger test cases for yosys
nextpnr portable FPGA place and route tool
SymbiYosys (sby) -- Front-end for Yosys-based formal verification flows
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